If you look up into the universe, and feel small, it's because you started out with an ego unjustifiably too high to begin with. So, yes, it is ego-busting, yes, to learn - no, the earth is not the middle of the universe, neither is the sun, either is our galaxy, and you're small, in time, and in space - that's all true. But, the cosmic perspective takes a step beyond that and it allows you to say, to realize, that the atoms in your body - the molecules that comprise life - are traceable to stars that manufacture those elements in their crucibles of their core. And then explodes, scattering that enrichment across that galaxy, enabling next generations of stars to form planets, and in at least one planet, life, and at least at this time, people. So we are participant in the great unfolding of this cosmic story. So, people like to think "I'm special because I'm different." But, there's a whole other way to look at it. Maybe you are special because you're the same. Maybe, we're special because our ingredients are traceable across the universe. That's almost spiritual in its meaning and significance on what it is to be human.
